Ph. Clément
Contact information
Prof. Dr. Ph.P.J.E. Clément, Chair
of Functional
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
Room: HB 04.040
Tel: 015-2784560
Fax: 015-2787245
e-mail: Ph.P.J.E.Clement@ewi.tudelft.NL
Other information
List of publications
(with J. Descloux,), On the rigid displacement
condition, Internat. J. Num. Meth. in Engineering, 4, (1972), 583-586.
Approximation by finite element functions using local regularization, RAIRO
Anal. Numer. R-2, (1975), 77-84.
Continuous branches of positive solutions for a class of nonlinear second-order
differential equations, Manuscripta Math., 16, (1975), 195-202.
Eigenvalue problem for a class of cyclically maximal monotone operators,
Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A., 1, (1977), 93-103.
Positive eigenfunctions for a class of second-order elliptic equations
with strong nonlinearity, Comm. P.D.E., 6, (1977), 615-625.
(with L.A. Peletier), Un principe du maximum
pour des opérateurs elliptiques non coercifs, C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris,
Série A, 287, (1978), 945-946.
(with L.A. Peletier), On positive and concave solutions of two-point nonlinear
eigenvalue problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 69, (1979), 329-340.
(with J.A. Nohel ), Abstract linear and nonlinear
Volterra equations preserving positivity, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 10, (1979),
On abstract Volterra equations with kernel of positive resolvent, in: Volterra
Equations, Helsinki 1978, Lecture Notes in Math. 737, (1979), 45-49.
(with W.T. Koiter), On the so-called comparison
theorem in the linear theory of elasticity, Z.A.M.P., 30, (1979), 534-536.
(with L.A. Peletier), An anti-maximum principle for second-order elliptic
operators, J. Diff. Equations, 34, (1979), 218-229.
On abstract Volterra equations with kernels having a positive resolvent,
Israel J. Math., 36, (1980), 193-200.
(with J.A. Nohel), Asympotic behaviour of solutions of nonlinear Volterra
equations with completely positive kernels, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 12, (1981),
(with R.C. MacCamy and J.A. Nohel), Asymptotic
properties of solutions of nonlinear Volterra equations, J. Int. Equations,
3, (1981), 185-216.
(with J.B. Baillon), Ergodic theorems for nonlinear
Volterra equations in Hilbert space, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A., 5, (1981),
(with L.A. Peletier), Sur les solutions surharmoniques de problèmes
aux valeurs propres elliptiques, C.R. Acad. Ac. Paris, Série I,
293, (1981), 393-395.
(with J. van Kan), An example of "secondary bifurcation"
in a non autonomous twopoint boundary value problem, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb.
91A, (1981), 101-105.
On continua of positive and superharmonic solutions to semilinear eigenvalue
problems, Collège de France Seminar, Volume VI, eds. H. Brézis
and J.L. Lions, Boston: Pitman, Res. Notes in Math., 103, (1984), 198-203.
On abstract Volterra equations with completely positive kernels, in: Infinite
Dimensional Systems, Lecture Notes in Math., 1076, (1984), 32-40.
(with L.A. Peletier), Positive superharmonic solutions to semilinear eigenvalue
problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 100, (1984), 561-582.
(with L.A. Peletier), On a nonlinear eigenvalue problem occuring in population
genetics, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 100A, (1985), 85-101.
Minimax methoden, in Vacantiecursus 1985, Variatierekening, CWI Syllabus
7, CWI Amsterdam, (1985), 99-118.
On the continuation method and the method of monotone iterations, Proceedings
of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, AMS, Volume 45, Part 1, (1986), 263-270.
(with G. Sweers), Existence et multiplicité
des solutions d'un problème aux valeurs propres elliptique semilinéaire,
C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série I, 302, (1986), 681-683.
(with C.A. Timmermans), On c0-semigroups
generated by differential operators satisfying Ventcel's boundary conditions,
Indag. Math., 89, (1986), 379-387.
(with G. Sweers), Existence and multiplicity results for a semilinear elliptic
eigenvalue problem, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. Serie IV, 14, (1987),
(with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg,
H.J.A.M. Heijmans and H.F. Thieme),
Perturbation theory for dual semigroups I. The sun-reflexive case, Math.
Ann., 277, (198 7), 709-725.
(with G. Sweers), Getting a solution between sub- and supersolutions without
monotone iterations, Rend. Ist. Matem. Trieste, 19, (1987), 189-194.
(with G. Da Prato), Existence and regularity
results for an integral equation with infinite delay in a Banach space,
Integral. Eq. and Operator Th., 11, (1988), 480-500.
(with E. Mitidieri), Qualitative properties
of solutions of Volterra Equations in Banach spaces, Israel J. Math., 64,
(1988), 1-24.
(with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans and H.F. Thieme), Perturbation
theory for dual semigroups II. Time-dependent perturbations in the sun-reflexive
case, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 109A, (1988), 145-172.
(with J. Prüss), On second-order differential
equations in Hilbert space, Boll. U.M.I. (7)3-B, (1989), 623-638.
(with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans and H.F. Thieme), Perturbation
theory for dual semigroups III. Nonlinear Lipschitz continuous perturbation
in the sun-reflexive case, "Volterra Integrodifferential Equations in Banach
Spaces and App lication", Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser. 190, Longman Sci.
Tech., Harlow, (1989), 67-89.
(with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans and H.F. Thieme), Perturbation
theory for dual semigroups IV. The intertwining formula and the canonical
pairing, in "Semigroup theory and applications", Lecture Notes in Pure
and Appl. Math. 116, Marcel Dekker, New York, (1989), 95-116.
(with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans and H.F. Thieme), A
Hille-Yosida theorem for a class of weakly* continuous semigroups, Semigroup
Forum., 38, (1989), 157-178.
(with G. Sweers), On subsolutions to a semilinear elliptic problem, in
"Recent advances in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems" Pitman Res.
Notes Math. Ser. 208 Longman Sci. Tech. Harlow (1989), 267-273.
(with J. Prüss), Completely positive measures and Feller semigroups,
Math. Ann., 287, (1990), 73-105.
(with P. Egberts), On the sum of two maximal
monotone operators, Differential and Integral Eq., 3, (1990), 1127-1138.
(with G. Da Prato), Some results on nonlinear heat equations for materials
of fading memory type, J. Integr. Eq. and Appl., 2, (1990), 375-391.
(with J.B. Baillon), Examples of unbounded imaginary powers of operators,
J. Funct. Anal., 100 (1991), 419-434.
(with J. Descloux), A variational approach to a problem of rotating rods,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 114, (1991), 1-13.
(with. B. de Pagter), Some remarks on the Banach
space-valued Hilbert transform, Indag. Mathem., N.S. 2(4), (1991), 453-460.
(with J. Prüss), Global existence for a semilinear parabolic Volterra
equation, Math. Z., 209, (1992), 17-26.
(with P. Grisvard), Sommes d'opérateurs
et régularité Lp dans les problèmes aux limites, C.R.
Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 314, (1992), 821-824.
(with C.J. van Duijn and Li),
On a nonlinear elliptic-parabolic PDE system in a two dimensional groundwater
flow, SIAM, Math. Anal., 23, (1992), 836-851.
(with D.G. de Figueiredo, E. Mitidieri),
Positive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems, Comm. P.D.E., 17, (1992),
Lp-Lq coerciveness and applications to nonlinear integrodifferential equations,
International Symposium on Nonlinear Problems in Engineering and Science,
Science Press, Beijing, China, 1992, 36-42.
(with W. Caspers), Point interactions in Lp,
Semigroup Forum., 46, (1993), 253-265.
(with W. Caspers), A bifurcation problem for point interactions in L2 (
3), in "Semigroups of Linear and Nonlinear Operators and Applications,
G.R. Goldstein and J.A. Goldstein (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1993),
(with J.B. Baillon, A. Greven and F. den Hollander),
A variational approach for branching random walk in random environment,
Annals of Prob., 21, (1993), 290-317.
(with R. Manásevich and E. Mitidieri),
Positive solutions for a quasilinear system via blow up, Comm. P.D.E.,
18, (1993), 2071-2106.
(with Shuanhu Li), Abstract parabolic quasilinear equations and application
to a groundwater flow problem, Advances in Math. Sci. and Appl., 3, (1993/94),
(with W. Caspers), A different approach to singular solutions, Differential
and integral Eq., 7, (1994), 1227-1240.
(with J.B. Baillon, A. Greven and F. den Hollander), On a variational problem
for an infinite particle system in a random medium, J. reine angew. Math.
454 (1994), 181-217.
(with R.C.A.M. van der Vorst), Interpolation Spaces
for J-systems and Applications to Critical Point Theory, Panamerican Math.
J., 4, (1994), 1-45.
(with S.O. Londen), On the sum of fractional
derivatives and m-accretive operators, in "Partial Differential Equation
Models in Physics and Biology", Vol. 82, Math. Res. Eds. G. Lumer, S. Nicaise
and B.W. Schulze, Akademie Verlag (1994), 91-100.
(with J.-B. Baillon, A. Greven and F. den Hollander), On the attracting
orbit of a non-linear transformation arising from renormalization of hierarchically
interacting diffusions, Can. J. Math., 47, (1995), 3-27.
(with R. Hagmeijer and G. Sweers), On a Dirichlet
problem related with the invertibility of mappings arising in 2D grid generation,
in "Calculus of variations, applications and computations", Pitman Res.
Notes Math. Ser. 326, Longman Sci. Tech. Harlow (1995), 67-83.
(with R.C.A.M. van der Vorst), On a semilinear elliptic system, Differential
and Integral Eq., 8, (1995), 1317-1329.
(with P. Felmer and E. Mitidieri), Solutions
homoclines d'un système hamiltonien non-borné et superquadratique,
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 320, (1995), 1481-1484.
(with R. Hagmeijer and G. Sweers), On the invertibility of mappings arising
in 2D grid generation problems, Numer. Math., 73, (1996), 37-51.
(with R. Manásevich and E. Mitidieri), On a modified capillary equation,
J. Diff. Equations, 124, (1996), 343-358.
(with D.G. de Figueiredo and E. Mitidieri), A Priori estimates for positive
solutions of semilinear elliptic systems via Hardy-Sobolev inequalities,
in "Nonlinear partial differential equations", Pitman Res. Notes Math.
Ser. 343, Longman Sci. Tech. Harlow (1996), 73-91.
(with D.G. de Figueiredo and E. Mitidieri), Quasilinear elliptic equations
with critical exponent, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 7, (1996),
(with G. Da Prato), Some results on stochastic convolutions arising in
Volterra equations perturbed by noise, Rend. Atti Acc. Lincei., 9, 7,
(1996), 147-153.
(with P. Felmer and E. Mitidieri), Homoclinic orbits for a class of infinite
dimensional Hamiltonian systems, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa, Scienze Fisiche
e Matematiche, 24, 4, (1997), 367-393.
(with R.C.A.M. van der Vorst) On the non-existence of homoclinic orbits
for a class of infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems, Proc. A.M.S.,
125, 4, (1997), 1167-1176.
(with J.-B. Baillon, A. Greven and F. den Hollander), On the attracting
orbit of a nonlinear transformation arising from renormalization of hierarchically
interacting diffusions, Part II the noncompact case, J. Funct. Anal., 146,
1, (1997), 236-298.
(with E. Mitidieri) On a class of nonlinear
elliptic systems. Nonlinear evolution equations
and their applications (Japanese) (Kyoto, 1996). Surikaisekikenkyusho
Kokyuroku No. 1009 (1997),
(with R. Manásevich and E. Mitidieri), Some Existence and Non-existence
Results for a Homogeneous Quasilinear Problem, Asymptot. Anal. 17
(1998), no. 1, 13--29.
(with G. Da Prato), White noise perturbation of the heat equation in materials
with memory, Dynam. Systems Appl. 6 (1997), no. 4, 441--460.
- (with Shangquan Bu and Sylvie
Guerre-Delabrière) Regularity of pairs of positive
operators, Illinois J. Math. 42 (1998), no. 3, 357--370.
(with G. Da Prato and J. Prüss), White noise perturbation of
the equations of linear parabolic viscoelasticity, Rend. Ist. Matem.
Trieste 29 (1997), 207-220.
(with Ph.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O.) Schauder estimates for equations
with fractional derivatives. Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 352 (2000), no. 5, 2239--2260.
(with Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O.) Hölder regularity for a linear
fractional evolution equation. Topics in
nonlinear analysis, 69--82, Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl.,
35, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1999.
(with García-Huidobro, M.; Manásevich, R.; Schmitt, K.) Mountain pass type
solutions for quasilinear elliptic
equations. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 11 (2000), no. 1,
(with Fleckinger, Jacqueline; Mitidieri, Enzo; de Thélin,
François) Existence of positive solutions for a
nonvariational quasilinear elliptic system. J. Differential Equations 166
(2000), no. 2, 455--477.
On the method of sums of operators. Semi-groupes d'opérateurs et calcul
fonctionnel (Besançon, 1998),
1--30, Publ. Math. UFR Sci. Tech., 16, Univ. Franche-Comté, Besançon,
(with Gripenberg, Gustaf; Londen, Stig-Olof) Smoothness in fractional
evolution equations and
conservation laws. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4) 29 (2000),
no. 1, 231--251.
(with Sweers, G.) Uniform anti-maximum principles. J. Differential
Equations 164 (2000), no. 1, 118--154.
(with Da Prato, Giuseppe) Stochastic convolutions with kernels arising in
some Volterra equations.
Volterra equations and applications (Arlington, TX, 1996), 57--65,
Stability Control Theory Methods Appl., 10, Gordon and Breach,
Amsterdam, 2000.
(with de Pagter, B.; Sukochev, F. A.; Witvliet, H.) Schauder decomposition
and multiplier theorems. Studia
Math. 138 (2000), no. 2, 135--163.
(with Guerre-Delabrière, Sylvie) On the regularity of abstract Cauchy
problems and boundary value
problems. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Rend. Lincei
(9) Mat. Appl. 9 (1998), no. 4, 245--266 (1999).
One-Parameter Semigroups, Ph. Clément, H.J.A.M. Heijmans, S. Angenent,
C.J. van Duijn and B. de Pagter, CWI Monographs 5, North-Holland, Amsterdam
(1987), ix + 312 p.
Russian translation, 1992, MIP, S.G. Krein, ed., 351 p.
Semigroup Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics,
116, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York (1989), xii + 454 p., Ph. Clément,
S. Invernizzi, E. Mitidieri and I.I. Vrabie, eds.
Semigroup Theory and Evolution Equations: The Second International Conference,
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker Inc., New
York (1991), xi + 525 p., Ph. Clément, E. Mitidieri and B. de Pagter,
Evolution Equations, Control Theory, and Biomathematics, Lecture Notes
in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, (1994), xxvi
+ 580 p., Ph. Clément and G. Lumer, eds.
Special issue of "Rendiconti dell’ Istituto di Matematica dell’ Università
di Trieste", Vol. XXVIII, (1996), Supplemento Dedicated to the Memory of
Pierre Grisvard. 506p., Ph. Clément, S. Invernizzi and E. Mitidieri,
Méthode des éléments finis appliquée à
des problèmes variationnels de type indéfini, Thèse
de Doctorat, EPF-Lausanne, (1974), 106 p.
(with I.B. Emmerth), On the structure of continua of positive and concave
solutions of two-point nonlinear eigenvalue problems, MRC report # 1766,
Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, (1977).
Rekenen en Bewijzen, Inaugural Lecture at the T.H. Delft, Delftse Universitaire
Pers., (1979).
(with J. Descloux), Continuation and nodal properties of solutions of an
eigenvalue problem for rotating rods, Report of the Faculty of Mathematics
and Informatics, 84-51, Delft, (1984).
(with C.A. Timmermans), A unified approach to pointwise and uniform saturation
for Bernstein polynomials, Report of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics,
86-145, Delft, (1986).
On (Lp-Lq) coerciveness for a class of integrodifferential equations on
the line, two lectures at the 23rd annual Voronezh Winter School of Mathematics
(USSR), January 1990, Technical Report 5-4-90, University of Voronezh.
(not exhaustive)
S.B. Angenent,
J.B. Baillon,
Shangquan Bu
W. Caspers,
G. Da Prato,
J. Descloux
van Duijn,
P. Egberts,
D.G. De
M. García-Huidobro,
Greven, zech@mi.uni-erlangen
G. Gripenberg,
P. Grisvard
Sylvie Guerre-Delabrière
R. Hagmeijer,
H.J.A.M. Heijmans,
F. den
J. van Kan,
W.T. Koiter
Shuanhu Li,
S.O. Londen,
R.C. MacCamy
E. Mitidieri,
J.A. Nohel
de Pagter,
L.A. Peletier,
C.A. Timmermans
van der Vorst,
H. Witvliet,
(click on the ball for the first joint paper)
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