
Voor wiskundigen

Set Theory

This is a course on Axiomatic Set Theory as part of the Dutch Mastermath program.

Recorded lectures

Autumn 2019: Permutation models and the consistency of not-AC
Five lectures on permutation models and a proof of the consistency of the negation of the Axiom of Choice.
Autumn 2020: Large Cardinals
Eight lectures on: cardinal arithmetic, combinatorics, stationary sets, (ultra)filters and large cardinals.
Autumn 2021: Forcing
Eight lectures on: cardinal arithmetic, combinatorics, forcing.
Autumn 2022: Set Theory and The Constructible Universe
An introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory, cardinal arithmetic, combinatorics, Gödel's constructible universe L.
Autumn 2023: Set Theory and Cardinal Arithmetic
An introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory, cardinal arithmetic, combinatorics, and some pcf-theory, with a proof of \(2^{\aleph_\omega}<\aleph_{\omega_4}\) if \(\aleph_\omega\) is a strong limit.

Geschiedenis van de Wiskunde (AM2520-H)

Via deze pagina zijn opnamen van colleges uit de jaren 2019/20 en 2020/21 te bekijken.

Topologie (AM3590)

Via deze pagina zijn opnamen van de colleges in het najaar 2020 en najaar 2021 te bekijken.

HOVO Leiden

Dit voorjaar: Oneindig in de Wiskunde bij het HOVO in Leiden.

The Logarithm

For a lecture on the power series of Log(1+z) click here.

Oude cursussen

See also this page on the Open CourseWare site.


In 2005 kwamen Stan en Sander voor Delta een college bekijken.
k.p.hart at ewi.tudelft.nl
Last modified: Wednesday 06-11-2024 at 17:19:27 (CET)