eXTReMe Tracker


5 June, 2024: Many subalgebras of \(\mathcal{P}(\omega)/\mathrm{fin}\)
Galway, 22nd Galway Topology Colloquium,
4th–5th June 2024.
5 December, 2023: 150 years of uncountability of \(\mathbb{R}\)
Delft, Seminar in Analysis and Applications.
1 December, 2023: 150 years of uncountability of \(\mathbb{R}\)
Cyberspace, Carolinas Topology Seminar.
Watch it here.
23 september, 2023: 150 jaar Overaftelbaarheid van \(\mathbb{R}\)
Utrecht, Een Bonte Verzameling XXIX Symposium van de Werkgroep Geschiedenis van de NVvW.
8 August, 2023: Many subalgebras of \(\mathcal{P}(\omega)/\mathrm{fin}\)
Budapest and Cyberspace, Workshop on the occassion of István Juhász' 80th birthday.
28 April, 2023: Many subalgebras of \(\mathcal{P}(\omega)/\mathrm{fin}\)
Cyberspace, Carolinas Topology Seminar.
Watch it here.
15 april, 2023: 150 jaar Overaftelbaarheid van \(\mathbb{R}\)
Noordwijkerhout, Nationale Wiskunde Dagen 2023.
17 March, 2023: Some realcompact spaces
Cyberspace, 56th Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference. Organized by Rhodes University.
12 August, 2022: When Linguists do Set Theory.
Cyberspace/Chapman University, BLAST2022.
10 August, 2022: Machine Learning and the Continuum Hypothesis.
Cyberspace/Chapman University, BLAST2022.
8 August, 2022: Brouwer and Cardinalities.
Cyberspace/Chapman University, BLAST2022.
16 June, 2022: KP defeats Laver
Cyberspace, Carolinas Topology Seminar. Preparation and Scriblings.
14 June, 2022: KP meets Laver
Cyberspace, Carolinas Topology Seminar. Preparation and Scriblings.
23 April, 2022: When Linguists do Set Theory
Cyberspace, Logic4Peace.
Twitter link to the discussion mentioned in the slides
9 April, 2022: Een touwtje om de aarde
Cyberspace, NWD 2022. De handout.
4 April, 2022: Universal autohomeomorphisms of $\mathbb{N}^*$
Cyberspace, Seminar UPJŠ, Košice.
11 March, 2022: A zero-dimensional $F$-space that is not strongly zero-dimensional
Cyberspace, 55th Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference - hybrid. Organized by Baylor University.
13 August, 2021: An $F$-space
Cyberspace, Carolinas Topology Seminar.
Watch it here.
14 May, 2021: Soft compactifications of $\mathbb{N}$
Cyberspace, The 54th Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference - virtual. Organized by Murray State University.
Watch it here.
2 April, 2021: Machine Learning and the Continuum Hypothesis
Cyberspace, Carolinas Topology Seminar.
Watch it here.
30 July, 2020: The size of languages
Cyberspace, Jerry Vaughan's retirement from Topology and its Applications.
28 June, 2019: Machine Learning and the Continuum Hypothesis
Winchester, 21st Galway Topology Colloquium,
26th–28th June 2019.
14 februari, 2019: Wat betekent `oneindig' in de wiskunde?
Sittard, FLOS Wiskundesymposium 2019,
14 February 2019.
1. Únor, 2019: Machine learning and the Continuum Hypothesis
Hejnice, 47th Winterschool in Abstract Analysis. Section Set Theory and Topology,
26 January – 2 February 2019.
The losing lecture: Soft compactifications of $\omega$
17 January, 2018: The Axiom of Choice
Utrecht, Wiskundesymposium Future problems, A-Eskwadraat, 17 January, 2018.
12 December, 2017: Borel Circle Squaring
Delft, Colloquium on Analysis and Applications.
22 November, 2017: Stimulating creative problem solving in mathematics
Amsterdam, ICAB 2017: Creative Thinking "in and about education", 22 November, 2017.
21 October, 2017: Gary and me
Auburn, Special Conference on Set-theoretic Topology, October 20–22, 2017.
15 februari, 2017: What is … `Finite'?
Delft, DIAM Lunch Colloquium
3. Únor, 2017: Brouwer and Cardinalities
Hejnice, 45th Winterschool in Abstract Analysis. Section Set Theory and Topology,
28 January – 3 February 2017.
5 October, 2016: The Katowice Problem
Amsterdam, General Mathematics Colloquium, UvA
20 september, 2016: Oneindig en Wiskunde
Amsterdam, Russische wetenschap en de zoektocht naar oneindigheid, SPUI25
25. července, 2016: Compact spaces with a $\mathbb{P}$-diagonal
Praha, 12 Prague Topological Symposium, 25–29 July 2016
13 April, 2016: The Katowice problem
Amsterdam: General Mathematics Colloquium VU University.
16 september, 2015: Caleidoscoop: Tellen
De slides:
24 Meitheamh, 2015: A class of invisible spaces
Gaillimh, 30th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications,
23 – 26 June 2015.
1. Unor, 2015: A class of invisible spaces
Hejnice, 43rd Winterschool in Abstract Analysis. Section Set Theory and Topology,
1 – 6 February 2015.
6 December, 2014: The Dow-Hart collaboration
Ithaca, 60 Years of Dow,
6 – 9 December 2014.
22 oktober, 2014 Een touwtje om de aarde
Lunchlezing De Leidsche Flesch
2 July, 2014: The Katowice Problem
Birmingham, 17th Galway Topology Colloquium,
30 June – 2 July 2014.
30 June, 2014: Subcontinua of $\mathbb{H}^*$
Birmingham, 17th Galway Topology Colloquium,
30 June – 2 July 2014.
31. Leden, 2014: Subcontinua of $\mathbb{H}^*$
Hejnice, 42nd Winterschool in Abstract Analysis. Section Set Theory and Topology,
25 January – 1 February 2014.
19 kwietnia, 2013: A chain condition for operators from $C(K)$-spaces
Warszawa, Workshop on set theoretic methods in compact spaces and Banach spaces,
April 17 – 21, 2013.
print version of the slides
1. Unor, 2013: Dimension(s) of compact $F$-spaces
Hejnice, 41st Winterschool in Abstract Analysis. Section Set Theory and Topology,
27 January – 2 February 2013.
30 oktober, 2012: Drie problemen voor de prijs van één
Delft, DIAM Onderzoekdag.
Print version of the slides.
11 February, 2012: The Katowice problem
Amsterdam, Amsterdam workshop in set theory,
10–11 February 2012.
Print version of the slides.
31. Leden, 2012: Applications of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem to compact Hausdorff spaces, Part III
Hejnice, 40th Winterschool in Abstract Analysis. Section Set Theory and Topology,
29 January – 4 February 2012.
30. Leden, 2012: Applications of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem to compact Hausdorff spaces, Part II
Hejnice, 40th Winterschool in Abstract Analysis. Section Set Theory and Topology,
29 January – 4 February 2012.
29. Leden, 2012: Applications of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem to compact Hausdorff spaces, Part I
Hejnice, 40th Winterschool in Abstract Analysis. Section Set Theory and Topology,
29 January – 4 February 2012.
7-8 November, 2011: On $\beta X$, $\beta\mathbb{N}$ and $\beta\mathbb{R}$
A short course on these subjects at the University of Silesia in Katowice.
7 November, 2011: The Katowice problem
Katowice: Topology and Set Theory Seminar, University of Silesia.
16 August, 2011: $\omega^*$ and $\omega_1^*$
Belfast, 14th Galway Topology Colloquium, 15–17 August 2011
Print version of the slides.
8. Srpen, 2011: $\omega^*$, $\omega_1^*$ and non-trivial autohomeomorphisms
Praha, 11 Prague Topological Symposium, 8–12 August 2011
Print version of the slides.
18 March, 2011: $\omega^*$, $\omega_1^*$ and non-trivial autohomeomorphisms
Tyler, 45th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, 17–19 March 2011
Print version of the slides.
15 July, 2010: Algebraic Topology, of sorts. Part II
Birmingham, Galway XIII, 13–15 July 2010
Print version of the slides.
13 July, 2010: Algebraic Topology, of sorts. Part I
Birmingham, Galway XIII, 13–15 July 2010
Print version of the slides.
27 May, 2010: Algebraic Topology, but not as you know it
Nunspeet, DIAMANT/EIDMA Symposium May 2010 ``Keten in Nunspeet''.
Print version of the slides.
16 Januari, 2010: Hoeveel Elementen?
Utrecht, KWG Wintersymposium Blik op Oneindig.
18 November, 2009: Hoeveel Elementen?
Leiden, Symposium Blik op Oneindig.
21 Oktober, 2009: Oneindig? Hoeveel is dat?
Leiden, A.S.V Prometheus.
19 Oktober, 2009: De dekpunstelling van Brouwer
Universiteit Twente.
17 July, 2009: A concrete co-existential map that is not confluent
24. Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications (Brno, Czech Republic, 14–17 July, 2009).
1 June, 2009; Elementarity my dear Watson
Toronto Set Theory Seminar
7 April, 2009: Model theory is useful in Topology
Logic Seminar Madison, Wisconsin.
3 April, 2009: Lelek's problem is not a metric problem
Kunen Fest (Madison, Wisconsin, 3–5 April, 2009).
7 March, 2009: A concrete co-existential map that is not confluent
The 43RD Annual Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference (Gainesville, Florida, 7–9 March, 2009).
13 November, 2008: A tale of three Boolean algebras
TU Delft Functional Analysis Seminar
Here is a printable version
10 November, 2008: The Löwenheim-Skolem theorem has been very good to me
Séminaire général de logique Université de Paris VII, UFR de Mathematiques
15 oktober, 2008: Het begin van de Verzamelingenleer:
Lunchlezing voor De Leidsche Flesch De Leidsche Flesch (Leiden, Nederland)
5 June, 2008: Two Non-images of $\mathbb{H}^*$
12th Galway Topology Colloquium (Galway, Ireland, 5–6 June, 2008).
14 March, 2008: Elementarity and Dimensions
The 42ND Annual Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 13–15 March, 2008).
26 november, 2007: Het begin van de Verzamelingenleer:
Eerstejaarssymposium van De Leidsche Flesch De Leidsche Flesch (Leiden, Nederland)
3 oktober, 2007: Caleidoscoop: Logica
De slides:
14 augustus, 2007: Het belang van $\le$
Kamp C van Vierkant voor Wiskunde (Lunteren, 13–17 augustus, 2007)
10 November, 2006: Basic Notions: Integration
TU Delft Functional Analysis Seminar
Here is the slides-version
14 August, 2006: There is no categorical metric continuum
Toposym 2006, 10th Prague Topological Symposium (Praha, Czech Republic, 13–19 August, 2006)
10 August, 2006: A connected F-space
Conference in Topology and Theoretical Computer Science in honour of Peter Collins and Mike Reed (Oxford, England, 7–10 August, 2006)
8 july, 2006: Cosmic Dimensions
The 21st Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications 2006 (Statesboro, Georgia, 6–9 July, 2006)
3 en 4 februari, 2006: Sudoku's en Wiskunde:
Nationale WiskundeDagen (Noordwijkerhout, Nederland)
21 October, 2005: Ultrafilters and Combinatorics:
InterCity Number Theory Seminar (Delft, the Netherlands)
17 February, 2005: Embeddability of the Measure Algebra:
General Colloquium at Leiden, the Netherlands
1 February, 2005: A connected F-space:
33rd Winterschool at Raspenava, Czech Republic
21 March, 2004: Using elementarity in the study of compact spaces
BEST at Boise, Idaho
16 April, 2003: Oneindig in de Wiskunde
Congresch 2003, De Leidsche Flesch, Leiden

Last modified: Wednesday 05-06-2024 at 15:07:26 (CEST)